Exhibition Agreement

This Exhibition Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into on this date between DIGT.ART, hereinafter referred to as the “Gallery,” and you, hereinafter referred to as the “Author” (or “Owner).”

1. Purpose of Agreement:
The purpose of this Agreement is to establish the terms and conditions under which the Gallery will exhibit and sell digital artworks, created by the Author (or owned by the Owner) , on its website hosted by DIGT.ART.

2. Artwork:
a) The Author (Owner) agrees to provide the Gallery with his/her digital artwork for display and sale on the Gallery’s website hosted by DIGT.ART.
b) The Author warrants that he is the only author of the artwork.
c) The Author (Owner) warrants that his copyright on the artwork is not challenged in court.
d) The Author (Owner) will bear all expenses if his copyright on the artwork is challenged in court.

3. Exhibition Duration:
The exhibition period shall commence on the date his artwork is loaded on the Gallery’s website hosted by DIGT.ART and continue for a period of 90 days unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by both parties.

4. Promotion and Marketing:
a) The Author’s (Owner’s) artwork will be promoted and marketed together with all other artworks offered on the website. The Gallery shall not use any special efforts to promote and market the Author’s artwork during the exhibition period.
b) The Author (Owner) grants the Gallery a non-exclusive license to use the digital images for promotional purposes related to the exhibition.

5. Pricing and Sales:
a) The Author (Owner) shall provide the Gallery with a list of digital artworks, along with their respective prices, to be displayed on the Gallery’s website.
b) The Gallery shall have the right to set the final sale price of the digital artworks, taking into consideration the Author’s (Owner’s) suggested prices.
c) The Gallery shall be responsible for processing all sales transactions, including payments, refunds, and customer inquiries.
d) The Gallery shall retain a commission of 20 % from each sale made through its website. The remaining amount shall be remitted to the Author (Owner) within 5 days after the completion of each sale, after the amount reaches USD 100 or more.

6. Delivery and Display:
a) The Author (Owner) shall provide high-resolution digital artworks to the Gallery, in a format agreed upon by both parties.
b) The Author (Owner) is responsible for protecting his artworks from unauthorized use or copying through Copyright Registration, Digital Certificate of Authenticity, Digital Signature, Metadata, Digital Watermark, or any other method the Author (Owner) chooses. The Gallery will accept all artworks for display as already protected.
c) The Gallery may use watermarks or other protective measures to prevent unauthorized use or copying of the digital images.
d) The Gallery shall not be held liable for any unauthorized reproduction of the Author’s (Owner’s) artworks.

7. Termination:
Either party may terminate this Agreement with written notice to the other party. In the event of termination, the Gallery shall remove the Author’s (Owner’s) digital artworks from its website within a reasonable time frame.

8. Entire Agreement:
This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, or agreements, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter hereof.

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