
While we strive to bring you the best in digital art, it’s important to note that the availability of an artwork on the internet does not automatically mean it is in the public domain and free for use. We remind you, that in order to avoid copyright infringement and breaking the law you may not download, copy, modify, adapt, edit, display, distribute, publish, perform, imitate, mirror, reproduce, post, transmit, create derivative works from, transfer, sell, license, rent or otherwise exploit or make commercial use of the gallery hosted by DIGT.ART or any element thereof found on this site without the owner’s, DIGT.ART in this case, its explicit written permission. Your link to the authors or owner’s page and mentioning his name, without their written permission, will not be accepted as an excuse and do not change the rule, you are breaking the law and are on the track to a settlement for the damage done.

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